The Guildford Rambling Club was formed in 1973, an offshoot of an older, London-based, club. The Club’s overall purpose is simply to give its members the opportunity to enjoy walking in the varied and beautiful countryside around Guildford. In addition, we sometimes arrange holidays away.
Each new walks programme covers four months, starting in turn in January, May and September. We walk regularly on Sundays but sometimes meet on Thursdays or on other days for shorter walks simply for evening social gatherings. Ad hoc walks are offered to members , by email, with usually only a week’s notice.
Visitors, including visitors holidaying in the area, are welcome to walk with us and can do so up to three times before deciding whether or not to join. However, they must let us know in advance that they wish to come and must supply contact details, including their name, address and telephone number, for insurance purposes. This information will be discarded after 21 days.
In the event of extreme weather, before setting out, please check with the walk’s organiser that the walk is going ahead.
Sunday walks are usually for around 8 to 10 miles but you can choose to do less because some have a shorter option built in. Walks usually start at 10.00 and, allowing for stops and lunch, finish by 16.00. Please note that there is usually time only for a soup or snack lunch at a pub or cafe if one is listed and, since we can neither guarantee that they will be open nor that they will be willing to serve us, it is as well always to bring water and a picnic.
Walking is inherently a safe activity but no activity is without risk. If you do walk with us then we will expect you to have read our Health and Safety Policy and, of course, to observe its advice and the then current government health and safety guidance. Click GRC_health_&_safety_2022
Membership is open to all. To become a member currently costs for the period up to 31st December of the current calendar year and then payable annually, only £7 p.a. for a single person and £12 p.a. for a couple living at the same address. Please contact us at for more details or download a membership form here.
Please note that, if you wish to join, as a condition of membership we will collect, store and use your contact information as described in our Privacy and Data Protection Policy.
We are affiliated to the Ramblers Association and support their footpath conservation work
You can contact us by emailing